Governments ASEAN Secretariat U.S. State Department: ASEAN ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (as of 29/2/2013) ACIA Reservation List (PDF) Highlights of the ACIA (PPT) US Engagement in ASEAN ASEAN-US Enhanced Partnership ASEAN-US Leaders Summit ADVANCE Program US ASEAN Expanded Economic Engagement Initiative Beyond AEC 2015: Policy Recommendations for ASEAN SME Competitiveness U.S. Mission to ASEAN U.S. Mission to ASEAN Fact Sheet Perspectives & Information on ASEAN ASEAN Business Club ASEAN Business Advisory Council USTR: ASEAN CSIS Southeast Asia Program Other Important Materials Review of Intra-ASEAN Nontariff Measures on Trade in Goods (PDF) Investing in ASEAN 2013-14 (PDF) CSIS's 2011 Study on U.S. Policy towards ASEAN (PDF) ASEAN Chartbook Investing in ASEAN 2012-13 Selected ASEAN Indicators